More and more people are getting on the Costa Rica “Band Wagon.”   This last weekend, first weekend of the World Cup, we watched Brazil vs Switzerland at a local watering hole.  Even though the result was 1 to 1 at the final whistle there would have been a European crowd of at least 25 and only 1 Brazilian.

Again, as in other articles you have read, we are seeing more and more travelers, many staying for more than just a few days.  I am always get the question(s) What do you do here?  How much is it to Buy a property?  Where do we start?

Obviously, there is a lot to think about but in the meantime, here are some Key Points to follow on Moving to or Retiring in Costa Rica

  • Do your own research then get qualified advicepool
  • Make a list of what is important to you, Priorities
  • Make of list of Top Destinations in Costa Rica
  • Consider plus and minuses of each location
  • Apply for Your Visa
  • Meet with a Tax Specialist
  • Pick a place and decide what’s necessary to bring
  • Rent a home first
  • Make the move
  • Work with a Professional in the Real Estate Industry
  • Best Advice: KNOWLEDGE is Key

Click Here for Your Free Ebook on How to Buy Property in Costa Rica. 

The Ebook is soooo much more than How to Buy Property

Contact me anytime for a Toll Free Consultation

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